Abstract Due to the lack of precise bounding box annotations, weakly supervised object detectors rely on the pretrained image classification model to classify candidate regions. However, the pretrained model often produces high responses for discriminative regions rather than complete objects, resulting in the problems of part domination, instance missing and untight boxes. To address these issues, a multi-level fusion based weakly supervised object detection network is proposed. The detection performance is improved from the perspectives of enhancing the weak discriminative spatial feature learning, enriching intra-class sample features and weighting reliable pseudo-labels. Firstly, a power function is utilized to weight and fuse the activation values within the neighborhood by the power pooling layer to reduce information loss of weak discriminative features. Secondly, the feature vectors of candidate regions are randomly fused by the feature mixing method to enrich the diversity of training sample features. Finally, the confidence of predictions and pseudo-labels is fused via the confidence-based sample re-weighting strategy to adjust the influence of pseudo-labels on training. Experiments on three benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of the proposed network.
Corresponding Authors:
CHEN Zengping, Ph.D., professor. His research interests include spatial situational awareness, software-defined radar detection and broadband imaging recognition.
About author:: CAO Huan, Ph.D. candidate. His research interests include deep learning and computer vision.
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